Scientific name: Hordeum vulgare
Andean barley is a highly recommended cereal, given its excellent therapeutic and nutritional properties. It’s a good source of inositol, a substance long considered a group B vitamin. Inositol prevents the rigidity of capillaries, is a cardiac tonic, regulates cholesterol, prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver, protects the nervous system and combat anxiety and depression. Barley also has vitamins of group B, folic acid, choline and vitamin K.
Per 100g
Energy 350 kcal
Protein 9 g
Fiber 5.5 g
Healthy fat 2.7 g
Carbohydrate 79.4 g
Calcium 56 mg
Iron 12.5 mg
It is a good option to consume at breakfast with hot water, milk, yogurt, salads or orange juice like any other cereal. It is used as an ingredient for bakery products.
Nylon polyethylene bag or triple sheet paper bags of 10 kg, 20 kg or 25 kg.
Protect from sunlight at room temperature and relative humidity of 60 – 70%.
12 months under storage conditions established and in its original packaging.